Precious Possessions, in Women’s Caucus of the Arts publication, 2014
Precious Possessions, mixed media on paper, 36x42 inches

Precious Possessions, in Women’s Caucus of the Arts publication, 2014

Precious Possessions a mixed media on paper, first premiered at a New Delhi Gallery in 2012. It has since showed at the School of Visual Arts Gallery in the Lower East Side, NYC. “…while great achievement is rare and  difficult at best, it is still rarer and more difficult if, while you work, you must at the  same time wrestle with inner demons of self-doubt and guilt and outer monsters of  ridicule or patronizing encouragement, neither of which have any specific connection  with the quality of the art work as such.” As women artists, we can use our historical disadvantages from a vantage point. Embrace and celebrate the woman in us,  knowing that she is capable of greatness!” – Linda Nochlin

Sories We Tell 
Page – 169


Tania Sen is a contemporary artist of Indian origin who lives and works in Philadelphia. Using mythology, politics, pop culture, ads, signage, Tania explores the process of transformation of human perception in an age of digital reproduction. Combined with Ai, it is a reality bending journey!