Magic is transcendent. Magic is Ephemeral. Magic leaves you gasping for more! The observation of source and the transformation of power from the source manifests the world around us. Some…
Magic is transcendent. Magic is Ephemeral. Magic leaves you gasping for more! The observation of source and the transformation of power from the source manifests the world around us. Some…
“An empty stomach is not a good political adviser.” ― Albert Einstein Angus Deaton, the noble prize winning economist in discussing randomized trials that he proposed to solve hunger and…
Roundtown – a bake sale, under water pumpkin carving, Mark Knopfler concert and a Museum Art Exhibit all on the same bulletin board! Local is lovely!
"Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before." While the “experts” tackle pesky politically slanted questions on…
What does it even mean to be "artist of the month", "employee of the week" etc.? Are you designated a position for that time period only? Which raises the question what…
"See Me Feel Me Touch Me Heal Me Listening to you, I get the music Gazing at you, I get the heat Following you, I climb the mountain I get…
"There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through your into action..."
So the purpose of information is to get some sort of meaning across, the masses alas resist all rational communication. Sensationalism prevails from as long as man can remember. Today…
Nope! can’t claim credit for the beautiful pyro configs in the night sky. But getting there well ahead of time and waiting with millions of others on the cordoned off…
12 Reasons Why Party City Rules REVIEW: "...being able to touch the sculptures, as at the Monmouth Museum, is an exceptional opportunity..." Seeing Isn’t Always Believing: “Please Touch!” Exhibit at…