The Playful Giant
The Playful Giant

The Playful Giant

The Playful Giant

The series of uprisings leading up to the 2020 elections served as a restorative force, seeking to re-balance the universal order. These events, which culminated in the overturning of power, echoed the call for a more conscientious and inclusive society. Despite the free-wheeling spirit of Americana enduring several shocks due to an imbalanced economy, the people fearlessly voiced their convictions and the essence of their nation.

However, what remains unfathomable is the resurgence of the administration that the people had tirelessly worked to overthrow. It defies belief, especially considering the shocking attack on the White House on January 6th, 2021, alongside other intimidation tactics reminiscent of lawless hooligans and gangsters cropping up in various corners.

To legitimize discontent and acts of anarchy, we often invoke divine authority. We hide behind a deity, treating God as if they were the enigmatic Wizard of Oz, veiling our deeds. But there’s more to this narrative. Hegemony rears its ugly head—what better way to garner support from hardworking, God-fearing individuals eager to improve their lives and those of their children?

America, the playful giant, is a realm where people strive to construct a better future. They are unafraid to take necessary steps toward it. Perhaps this year, the question isn’t merely about which administration is handed to the people, but rather the role that administration will play in their lives. Many have barely recovered from prolonged economic downturns and health threats. Is the government still “of the people, by the people,” or has it become another maneuver of privilege? I root for Power to the People!


Tania Sen is a contemporary artist of Indian origin who lives and works in Philadelphia. Using mythology, politics, pop culture, ads, signage, Tania explores the process of transformation of human perception in an age of digital reproduction. Combined with Ai, it is a reality bending journey!