The Evolving Gardener
The Evolving Gardener Series of Sculpture

The Evolving Gardener

sculpture pieces inspired by meat eating plants. Delicate and colorful, these plants are unassuming and yet deadly for their prey! These works are a tribute to the process of evolution. The graphic lines of tattoo art are incorporated into "Elements" such as water and fire to celebrate the imprint of life on this planet much like scraping off the outer layer of skin on one's body to mark it with a statement about the self!

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Gravity of the Grassroot
The Priest with daughter and disciple

Gravity of the Grassroot

The focus of economic improvement kept local, will create employment, and education for the indigenous people in the Himalayas. Tourism for a major source of revenue , the attraction to these parts may be preserved by allowing the local people to preserve and flourish within their culture. So they won't feel impelled to move away from their roots in pursuit of a better living. Strategic assistance provided now will prevent indigenous culture from the mountains to get wiped out by the tide of commercial influx.

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The Dripping Drill
Changes, mixed media on canvas, 48x48 inches

The Dripping Drill

“Improve your art by not trying” says Nicholas Wilton. He demos his scraped off paint spill on his work. Being a bit of a butter finger myself, neatness has not been my strong hold although thankfully that did not affect dexterity. A spill has always has a power which a deliberately painted piece cannot replicate.

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Waste Not Want Not 123
Waste Not Want Not 123

Waste Not Want Not 123

The measure of wellbeing in society may take into consideration the availability of provisions for sustenance, food, shelter, health, etc. The freedom to achieve well-being is a matter of what people can do and be, and thus the kind of life they are effectively able to lead. The capability approach pioneered by Amartya Sen rests on (1) the assessment of individual well-being; (2) the evaluation and assessment of social arrangements; and (3) the design of policies and proposals about social change in society. Extensive public discussion sharing values and resolve in a transparent democratic manner addressing inheritance of past transgressions at global and local levels may be the start of progress towards the attainment of wellbeing at a societal level. Implementation of policies at a local level may be piloted and measured for effectiveness and checked for avoidance of arbitrariness.

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We'll Grow on You- II, relief painting on henna, by Tania Sen
We'll Grow on You -II, relief painting on henna, 18x18x6 inches

We’ll Grow On You

Grasp, relief painting, 24x20 inches, putty, fork, henna on canvasSpeak, relief painting, 30x30 inches, putty, fork, henna on canvasResidual Love, sculpture, putty, henna, ink, bamboo skewers, 14x12x12 inchesnew material composite,…

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