Imagining the unseen has been the realm of artists and creators. With AI, it is just the opposite. AI alters reality, hiding that which is less than pleasant and adding bells and whistles even to the most mundane scenarios.

In the same way that “life” has a “non-life” aspect to it, the concept of God too might have a “non-god” element. With the expansion of consciousness, we are more receptive to the neutrality of events. Where God is not sought in terms of “good” and “evil,” rather simply as, “God” and “non-god.” Can we attribute AI to be the “non-god” aspect? Since rather than manifesting the unseen, AI alters the seen realm?

Mission Magic

Mission Magic

Check out a Deep Fake Feathered Friend and Other Endangered Species

Discovered in San Francisco in 1937, the mission blue was one of the first insects added to the federal endangered species list in 1976. Today it fights for survival in remaining fragments of its native Bay Area grasslands.

This small butterfly spends its life near one plant – the lupine – which grows in wet, sandy, grassy areas around San Francisco, California. The butterfly is losing its home because the areas it depends on have been used as sites for houses, offices, factories, and farms.

These endangered Mission Blues descend upon dancer Allegra Bautista as she looks on in wonder on the open grasslands…is this the real life?