Color Vision I, acrylic on canvas, 30 inches diameter Color Vision II, acrylic on canvas, 30 inches diameter Color Vision III, acrylic on canvas, 30 inches diameter Color Vision – IV, acrylic on canvas, 30 inches diameter Color Vision at the Umass Fine Art Museum Look Fizzy mixed media on canvas 36×36 inches I’m a Lot Like You, mixed media on reclaimed canvas, 36×36 inches @ Alfa Art Gallery, 2016 Futurism Revisited at the Main Line Art Center
More of the same” – always a safe bet – familiar and predictable. So deep is the dependence on the “familiar and safe”, that the choice by default is always that which has been previously experienced – “true and tried” – a popular justifications! The consciousness however is forever expanding and morphing…it seeks new insights and new ways of being…even though the love of “typecast” makes one conform to accepted codes of decorum for fear of rejection. Need for validation curbs the capacity to love the self and others. These works, “I’m a lot like You”, “Tiger Tiger” and “Dusk” are mixed media paintings…all of them done on reclaimed canvases, depicting a changed perspective simply from being rendered over an existing image – an existing story that no longer holds…
On another level, these works actually use type as a visual tool. The Arabic script of the title of “Quran”, the Islamic holy text, words resonating William Blake’s poem – “The Tiger” and words hidden in the negative space inside a shape depicting the national flag. Liberation and tolerance, “untypecast” is the common string in these works.
“See Me
Feel Me
Touch Me
Heal Me
Listening to you, I get the music
Gazing at you, I get the heat
Following you, I climb the mountain
I get excitement at your feet
Right behind you, I see the millions
On you, I see the glory
From you, I get opinion
From you, I get the story”
Color Vision at the Umass Fine Art Museum I’m a Lot Like You, mixed media on reclaimed canvas, 36×36 inches @ Alfa Art Gallery, 2016