With AI by Your Side
Dr. Seuss inspired AI Poem and Art
Dr. Seuss inspired AI Poem and Art
America, the playful giant, is a realm where people strive to construct a better future. They are unafraid to take necessary steps toward it. Perhaps this year, the question isn’t merely about which administration is handed to the people, but rather the role that administration will play in their lives.
Ode to Natural Selection is a reminder to revisit data pertaining to perception and choices of the people. Perhaps it’s time to redefine what it means to be a “giver.” Instead of limiting women to this role, we should empower them to give and receive equally. When we allow women to contribute fully—whether as mothers, artists, entrepreneurs, or leaders—we create a more balanced and harmonious world.
Monarchy or bureaucracy, the rot sets in all the same. A king may wear a crown, but corruption finds a way. In a system, the blame gets murky, lost in the labyrinth of rules. No one's hand is dirty, but the nation gets sick all the same.
In 2020, the people fearlessly voiced what they stood for and what the country signified.
Leaving it in the hands of original culture makers even with fewer initial profits, will give people a reason to visit places and have an authentic experience. Which in turn will sustain tourism.
sculpture pieces inspired by meat eating plants. Delicate and colorful, these plants are unassuming and yet deadly for their prey! These works are a tribute to the process of evolution. The graphic lines of tattoo art are incorporated into "Elements" such as water and fire to celebrate the imprint of life on this planet much like scraping off the outer layer of skin on one's body to mark it with a statement about the self!
The focus of economic improvement kept local, will create employment, and education for the indigenous people in the Himalayas. Tourism for a major source of revenue , the attraction to these parts may be preserved by allowing the local people to preserve and flourish within their culture. So they won't feel impelled to move away from their roots in pursuit of a better living. Strategic assistance provided now will prevent indigenous culture from the mountains to get wiped out by the tide of commercial influx.
“Improve your art by not trying” says Nicholas Wilton. He demos his scraped off paint spill on his work. Being a bit of a butter finger myself, neatness has not been my strong hold although thankfully that did not affect dexterity. A spill has always has a power which a deliberately painted piece cannot replicate.
Art and people should be brought together like the proverbial mountain and Muhammad, wherever there is an opportunity. The value of such an exercise will reveal itself through experimentations with spaces, inside and out of Museums.