Lone Falcon, by Tania Sen
Lone Falcon, photograph taken in Phuket, Thailand

The Lone Falcon & Other Photographic Essays

Coming out of the Deep Freeze

The Lone Falcon evolved while looking though my snapshot booty from Thailand. While this is largely a work in progress, the initial aha moment came through while viewing my photographs.  Some of them came together in the form of a collage speaking some truths that evolved as if out of thin air!

Over the past several months the overriding question I’ve been grappling with was to find a way to work with the polarized state of consciousness at play today.  My proposal to Madrid residency this past October was to address the issue by viewing it through divided lens and trying to reach a moderate perspective by listening to both ends of the spectrum in the context of the political divide that Spain in undergoing.  What continued to elude me was a way to pin it down and give it a name.  Frozen in track after interviewing a ton of people on the topic, which was not easy as no one is intrinsically proud of being antagonistic, plus a complicated scenario that elicits anything other than solidarity is difficult to address let alone sort and analyze?!   

Visceral Bonding
Visceral Bonding
Incidental Rojo
Incidental Rojo
Guardians of Good and Evil
Guardians of Good and Evil


Tania Sen is a contemporary artist of Indian origin who lives and works in Philadelphia. Using mythology, politics, pop culture, ads, signage, Tania explores the process of transformation of human perception in an age of digital reproduction. Combined with Ai, it is a reality bending journey!