Simulate the Real

These works reflect Postmodern obliteration of the distinctions of gender, race, and class that structured modern societies in a new postmodern consumer, media, and high tech society; the mutating roles of art and aesthetics. Modernity as a historical epoch with its political conflicts and upheavals, its innovations and revolutions, its autonomous and creative subject, and its myths of progress, democracy, enlightenment, and the like is a thing of the past. These works are a simulation of reality, ushering in death of the “Original”. Exhausted of ideals, a postmodern era of banal eclecticism, inertial implosion, and eternal recycling of the same being defining features of these works.


Tania Sen is a contemporary artist of Indian origin who lives and works in Philadelphia. Using mythology, politics, pop culture, ads, signage, Tania explores the process of transformation of human perception in an age of digital reproduction. Combined with Ai, it is a reality bending journey!