3D shapes with an apex
Precious Metal, sculpture, 27x14x14 inches Painted construction cone

3D shapes with an apex

“Tania Sen’s sculpture Precious Metal (2014) is made out of an orange cone …In this work Sen alludes to consumer culture by borrowing text that is similar in texture, form and color to the iconic Coca-Cola logo from the world of advertising.  She alter the words, however, to “Shared Wealth”.  The gold paint coating the traffic cone, a universally recognized object like the Coca-Cola beverage, suggest the risky outcome veneration of consumer culture may impose on notions of value and corporate wealth.”

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Data Rush

“Data Rush” – an oxymoron of sorts – “data” implicitly requires interpretation, mitigating spontaneity.  “Rush” - indicating motion, speed, urgency, Impetuosity, violence… Data gathered through the senses, data indicating elements…

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